Glenn Proudly Endorses Common Sense Holocaust Denier Mark Robinson

August 30, 2024

RALEIGH, NC – This week, Glenn Youngkin traveled to North Carolina to throw his support behind fellow MAGA Republican Mark Robinson, who is running for Governor of the Tar Heel State.

We here at Spirit of America are big fans of Mark’s (not Marx! We’ll get to him some other time) and are happy to see Glenn focus his time and energy on helping this one-of-a-kind candidate win in November. 

You remember Mark Robinson, right? His many common sense statements and policies must have really struck a chord with our guy Glenn. 

Just like Glenn, Mark Robinson is a total family values candidate. Mark referred to LGBTQ+ people as “filth” and has chosen to live his life more traditionally, like when he endorsed corporal punishment for children, remarking that the only solution is to “beat them in a circle.” Most of the staff here at Spirit of America were beaten as kids and we turned out fine!

Mark and Glenn are also on the same page when it comes to abortion, although Glenn is too much of a gentleman to repeat some of Mark’s more spicy language.

Mark knows what the insidious reproductive rights agenda is all about, and he puts blame right where it belongs: on women who “weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirts down.” He also supports a total abortion ban in North Carolina.

No wonder Glenn endorsed him!

Don’t forget when Mark courageously stood up to school shooting victims, calling them “media prosti-tots.” Or his ongoing flirtation with Holocaust denialism. He’s just asking questions!

With such a pedigree, we’re not surprised at all that Glenn took time out of his busy schedule to help Mark raise money. Glenn may not be as colorful in his metaphors as Mark, but they sure do agree on a lot. Glenn’s just a little more demure about it, that’s all.

We reached out to Glenn’s office to get a comment and maybe a copy of the remarks he delivered at the fundraiser, but didn’t receive a response. Instead, a breathless Youngkin aide appeared at our door soon after. 

“Please don’t post that!” the aide said, struggling to catch his breath. “Glenn…wears the red vest…he’s a normal guy…totally normal…he’s not extreme…he’s just supporting people who are…he’s…”

At the time of publication, we were still struggling to awaken the aide with a mix of smelling salts and excerpts from The Conscience of a Conservative read aloud.