Spirit of America Hails Glenn for Boldly Denying Veterans, Their Families, Members of His Own Task Force Access to Documents

July 12, 2024

RICHMOND, VA – According to recent reporting in The Virginia Mercury, a military spouse who also serves on Glenn’s Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP) Taskforce, submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Governor, asking for access to documents that might help shine a light on internal discussions that led to recent cuts to this program.

As is his patriotic duty, Glenn denied this intrusive, unfair, and totally inconvenient request.

We here at Spirit of America saw this story and just knew Glenn was definitely not hiding anything. With that in mind, we have released the following statement in support of his decision to keep the advocates he appointed in the dark where they belong: 

“We’re all for supporting our veterans and their families, but come on! Who do you think you are? Filing a FOIA request just to get your grubby little paws on Glenn’s conversations about a program he appointed you to help improve is asking too much. 

Even as the General Assembly struck a deal to fully fund the VMSDEP, Glenn stayed busy railing against the lack of transparency and calling on more support for veterans and their families. But when those same families request actual documents? That’s just beyond the pale. 

Personal umbrage delivered from a podium or in front of a bunch of news cameras is one thing, but providing information to a task force your administration developed? That’s not Glenn’s job. 

But you know what could be? Considering how he’s sharpened his attacks against the General Assembly while simultaneously blocking his appointees from accessing information, he’s clearly shown himself to be willing to deflect, deny, denigrate, and duck…

…Sounds like a pretty solid Vice President to me. After all, going after opponents to gain media attention while contributing to the very problems you vowed to solve shows strength and resolve, and that’s Big Papa Trump’s bread and butter!

As for Virginia’s veterans and their families: if you want affordable access to college, do what the rest of us did and use your dad’s connections to get a sweet gig at a hedge fund. Now that’s a true sacrifice.”