Glenn Wants to Cut Corporate Taxes Instead of Funding Schools, And We Are Here For It!

August 20, 2024

RICHMOND, VA – Last week, after giddily announcing the state’s budget surplus, Glenn quickly pivoted to his all-time favorite policy proposal: cutting taxes for the ultra wealthy. As he told reporters, reducing corporate taxes are definitely on the table as he considers his upcoming budget amendments.

Now, The Spirit of America has released the following statement, praising Glenn’s bold efforts to turn the $1.2 billion surplus into a patriotic gift to his rich buddies:

“As a former hedge fund manager who’s eager to finally deliver critical tax relief to suffering CEOs, large corporations, and billionaire donors, it’s clear that Glenn is a true champion of the working man.

Predictably though, public education-pilled leftists are already screaming for surplus dollars to go towards fully funding our education system. Don’t they know that Glenn has already emotionally earmarked that money for his favorite big businesses?

Besides, Glenn already addressed school funding concerns. 

Early this year, after he heroically failed to secure more tax cuts for the wealthy and advocated for slashing K-12 funding, he finally signed a budget that increased support for schools. So don’t even bother mentioning that hyper-partisan, fake news JLARC study claiming Virginia’s school funding ranks far below both national and regional averages.

Don’t be fooled: Glenn has done great things for education! This “school funding” schtick is all a political ploy so that greedy ankle biters can get their grubby little paws on money that belongs to people who really matter, like rich donors who support Glenn’s super PAC. 

These are taxpayer dollars we’re talking about here, and Glenn is right: it’s not the government’s money, it belongs to Virginians! More specifically, rich donors who live in Virginia who will fund Glenn’s next run for public office. 

Responsible stewards, indeed!”